- Composed Summer 2017
- Words by Charles Wesley ( c. 1707 – 1788 ).
- Peter Burton
- Scored for SATB + piano/organ
- Difficulty: Easy
This is a new tune put to the great words of “Love Divine” by Charles Wesley. It best goes with organ but can be performed with piano also.
The organ begins with a gentle up and down phrase. The sopranos then enter with the tune, similarly lilting but with greater range. The men then sing the second verse in similar fashion.
All the choir then sing the 3rd verse in unison and with great joy – “Come almighty to deliver, let us all your grace receive”. The organ has moved now from simple accompanying phrases to a decorative descant over the top. This verse comes to a strong and final chord as we appeal to God to return and live with his people.
The fourth verse is harmony a cappella choir. It is quiet and reflective as “we glory in his perfect love”.
The final fifth and sixth verses are strong as we marvel at what heaven will be like. The organ has full energy with first the men providing a descant then the women. The piece reaches its climax both dynamically and in harmony – “lost in wonder, love and praise”.
The organ brings us back to our first gentle accompaniment, allowing us to reflect on this great truth.