Dundonald Church Choir and Alleluia Voices

I run two choirs, both of which are very much connected.

Firstly is Dundonald Church Choir. I am a committed member of this church and run the choir there. We perform at special Christian seasons such as Christmas and Easter as well as a few other occasions during the year. We are diverse with young and old joining in. Choirs are important for churches. Throughout the history of Christianity, they have provided diverse sets of people a way of praising God together and edifying the body of believers. 

Secondly is Alleluia Voices. This choir has very much its roots in Dundonald Church Choir and, indeed, many of its members are from it. However, for recordings and special choir performances, I have sought the help of friends of mine from Wimbledon Choral Society of which I am a member. I am very indebted to them for giving their support and, combined with the church members, producing some wonderful recordings. 

Alleluia Voices - Recording Jan 2020
Cutting the cake at the CD launch – May 2017
At the recording – Jan 2017