
Here is a list of events ( past and future ) where my music has been/will be performed. Events that relate to my music such as conferences attended are also listed.

Most recent events are recorded first with future ones at the top. The date will tell you whether it is coming up or has already happened !

Wimbledon Choral Society to sing 'Little Trotty Wagtail' at the Merton Singfest

Please come along to hear Wimbledon Choral Society sing this commissioned piece as part of the Merton Singfest.


Come and Sing
the choral music of Peter Burton

I am organising a “Come and Sing” of my choral music on Saturday 15th October 10am – 4.30pm 2022. This will be at the church I attend – Dundonald Church, 577 Kingston Rd, Raynes Park, London SW20 8SA.
It would be great if you could come along. There is also an option to sing at our 10am service the next day. I include the link for more information on the event and sign-up.


Dundonald Christmas Carol Service #2

The second carol service where “Welcome” was performed.

Dundonald Christmas Carol Service #1

World permiere of “Welcome”.

Morley College "Music Sharing" event

Winning first prize in the “Morley College” Choir competition meant “Come and Sing the Christmas Story” got an airing sung by the Morley College choirs.

ABCD 2021 virtual conference

I will be hosting a virtual exhibition booth at the Associated Board of Choral Directors this year. If you are registered for this event, please check me out !

Sherborne Virtual Composers Concert

Listen out to the Sherborne Virtual Composers’ Concert featuring over ten composers including myself !

ACDA 2021 virtual conference

I will be hosting a virtual exhibition booth at the American Choral Director’s Association this year. If you are registered for this event, please check me out !

Events to be confirmed due to current Covid restrictions.

It is difficult for people to plan events at the moment due to the Covid restrictions. On the plan are performances of my music at the London Festival for contemporary church music in May 2021. Check out also the Sherborne Summer School Virtual Concert in Aug 2021 as well as Dundonald Church special celebrations for the opening of their new building in Sep 2021. Keep checking events over the next few months as restrictions lift. I still hope to do the CD launch concert as advertised below but this will most likely be in 2022.

Dundonald Church Choir Carol Service

Carol Service including “Quem Pastores Laudavere”

The Wondrous Cross CD launch celebration

For choir members, the celebration of the recording and CD available. Hopefully, a concert at some time after Covid restrictions are lifted !

Sherborne Composer's workshop virtual concert

Concert including “The Eagle”.

"The Wondrous Cross" CD launch Concert

This concert will showcase the choral music on a newly recorded CD of mine. I have taken hymn texts, many of them well-known, and given them new choral settings. These come with different instrumental accompaniment. The result is a CD full of variety and uplifting choral music. The Dundonald Church Choir will perform all the music on the CD. The concert will come with a celebratory glass of champagne and, of course, the chance to buy the CD.



Dundonald Church Choir Carol Service

Carol Service including “The People who in Darkness Walked”

St. Mary Magdalene Carol Service

Nine lessons in carols including “A song was heard at Christmas”

Dundonald Church Choir Carol Service

Carol Service including “The People who in Darkness Walked”

Choral Workshop led by Amy Bebbington

including “A song was heard at Christmas”

St. Mark's church 50 year anniversary

including a specially commissioned piece by Peter Burton (TBA)

Easter services at Dundonald Church

including Easter music “When I survey the Wondrous Cross” and “Good Christians all, rejoice and sing” by Peter Burton

Dorking Camerata Choral Workshop

including “Good Christians all, rejoice and sing” music by Peter Burton

Dundonald Church Christmas Carol Service

including “A Song was heard at Christmas” music by Peter Burton

Dundonald Church Christmas Carol Service

including “A Song was heard at Christmas” music by Peter Burton

Wimbledon Choral Society Christmas Concert

including “Come and Sing the Christmas Story” music by Peter Burton

Dundonald Church Remembrance Service

including “Peace I leave with you” music by Peter Burton

Lantern arts centre community choir
event for Armistice.

including “Peace I leave with you” music by Peter Burton

Loughton Methodist Church Anniversary Festival Service

including “Love Divine” music by Peter Burton

Dundonald Church Good Friday service

including “There is a green hill far away” music by Peter Burton

Culcheth Methodist Church Easter service

including “There is a green hill far away” music by Peter Burton

Dundonald Church Christmas Carol Service

including “Come and hear the Christmas Story” words by Michael Perry, music by Peter Burton